
Here is general server configuration.

Be aware that CLI defaults and docker defaults may be different.

All configuration parameters can be set via environment variables ($VARNAME) or via command line arguments. In documentation most of the time then environment variables will be used for example as a recommended way to configure application.

There are no required fields, default values will let application start normally.


Application Options:
--configs=                      File or directory with YAML configurations (default: configs) [$CONFIGS]
--storage=[database|files]      Storage type (default: database) [$STORAGE]
--server-url=                   Server public URL. Used for OIDC redirects. If not set - it will try to deduct [$SERVER_URL]
--disable-listing               Disable listing in UI [$DISABLE_LISTING]

Database storage:
--db.dialect=[postgres|sqlite3] SQL dialect (default: sqlite3) [$DB_DIALECT]
--db.url=                       Database URL (default: file://form.sqlite) [$DB_URL]
--db.migrations=                Migrations dir (default: migrations) [$DB_MIGRATIONS]
--db.migrate                    Apply migration on start [$DB_MIGRATE]

Files storage:
--files.path=                   Root dir for form results (default: results) [$FILES_PATH]

Webhooks general configuration:
--webhooks.buffer=              Internal queue size before processing (default: 100) [$WEBHOOKS_BUFFER]

AMQP configuration:
--amqp.url=                     AMQP broker URL (default: amqp://guest:guest@localhost) [$AMQP_URL]
--amqp.buffer=                  Internal queue size before processing (default: 100) [$AMQP_BUFFER]
--amqp.workers=                 Number of parallel publishers (default: 4) [$AMQP_WORKERS]

HTTP server configuration:
--http.bind=                    Binding address (default: :8080) [$HTTP_BIND]
--http.disable-xsrf             Disable XSRF validation. Useful for API [$HTTP_DISABLE_XSRF]
--http.tls                      Enable TLS [$HTTP_TLS]
--http.key=                     Private TLS key (default: server.key) [$HTTP_KEY]
--http.cert=                    Public TLS certificate (default: server.crt) [$HTTP_CERT]            Read timeout to prevent slow client attack (default: 5s) [$HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT]
--http.write-timeout=           Write timeout to prevent slow consuming clients attack (default: 5s) [$HTTP_WRITE_TIMEOUT]
--http.assets=                  Directory for assets (static) files [$HTTP_ASSETS]

OIDC configuration:
--oidc.enable                   Enable OIDC protection [$OIDC_ENABLE]
--oidc.client-id=               OIDC client ID [$OIDC_CLIENT_ID]
--oidc.client-secret=           OIDC client secret [$OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET]
--oidc.issuer=                  Issuer URL (without .well-known) [$OIDC_ISSUER]
--oidc.redis-url=               Optional Redis URL for sessions. If not set - in-memory will be used [$OIDC_REDIS_URL]
--oidc.redis-idle=              Redis maximum number of idle connections (default: 1) [$OIDC_REDIS_IDLE]
--oidc.redis-max-connections=   Redis maximum number of active connections (default: 10) [$OIDC_REDIS_MAX_CONNECTIONS]

Cloudflare Turnstile:   Widget access key [$CAPTCHA_TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY]
--captcha.turnstile.secret-key= Server side secret key [$CAPTCHA_TURNSTILE_SECRET_KEY]
--captcha.turnstile.timeout=    Validation request timeout (default: 3s) [$CAPTCHA_TURNSTILE_TIMEOUT]
  • By-default, by the root path / listing of all forms available. It can be disabled by DISABLE_LISTING=true


since 0.4.0

WebForms offers CAPTCHA functionality for POST requests, which serves as a mechanism for verifying the authenticity of incoming requests during both form submission and access code submission processes. To enable CAPTCHA, JavaScript on the client side is a prerequisite.

Currently only Cloudflare Turnstile captcha is supported.


Service supports HTTPS but doesn’t support dynamic reload. If you are using short-lived certificates such as Let’s Encrypt it could be necessary to restart application after renewal.

Example configuration



since 0.2.0

WebForms can handle user-defined static files (assets) via /assets/ path if --http.assets flag is defined. By-default, it’s disabled in CLI mode and enabled in docker mode.

It could be useful for embedding images or other things in templates. For example:

table: shop
title: Order Pizza
description: |
  Welcome to our pizzeria!


# other configuration


The service has incorporated built-in protection against CSRF by employing an HTTP-only cookie and a concealed input (Double Submit Cookie) mechanism. However, if the service is to be utilized programmatically, such as through an API, CSRF validation may pose potential issues. To disable this validation, you can set HTTP_DISABLE_XSRF=true, but exercise caution and ensure a thorough understanding of the associated risks before proceeding.

The service configures protective headers to thwart clickjacking, provide XSS protection, and enforce a strict referer policy. For now, this protection can not be disabled. You can find the complete list of headers below:

Header Value
X-Frame-Options DENY
X-XSS-Protection 1
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
Referrer-Policy strict-origin-when-cross-origin

Production checklist

The recommended configuration checklist for the production:

  • put service behind reverse-proxy with TLS (nginx, caddy, haproxy, etc..)
  • secure connection between reverse-proxy and service via internal certificates (overkill for small/medium setups)
  • set public server URL (--server-url/$SERVER_URL)
  • use postgres storage with TLS
  • use OIDC with Redis for session storage
  • use non-privileged user for service/container (non-root is supported natively)
  • use specific version of container and reference it by digest
  • set correct permissions for directories:
    • read only for configs (/configs by default for container)
    • read only for migrations (if applicable) (/migrations by default for container)
    • read only for TLS files
    • for data directory (/data by default for container)
      • write-only for files
      • read-write for sqlite3
      • no access needed for postgres

For extra safety (overkill for small/medium setups) migrations for database can be done outside of the service and therefore minimal possible (INSERT only for specific tables) permission can be issued.