
For default values, for result messages, for description the Go template can be used.

In addition to standard library, the following extra additions are avaialable:

  • everything from sprig
  • markdown filter which converts any text to markdown using GFM syntax
  • html filter which marks any text as safe HTML (danger!)
  • timezone filter which returns name of current timezone, commonly it’s just Local though not very useful.

The result of evaluation should match type of field.

Context for defaults

Context variables accessible as {{$.<VAR NAME>}}. For example {{$.User}} will return username or empty string.

Note: if you advance user of Go templates, then you know when $ can be omitted, otherwise it’s safe to use it always.

Name Type Description
Headers url.Values Access to raw request headers
Query url.Values Access to raw request URL query params
Form url.Values Access to raw request form values
User string (optional) username from OIDC claims
Groups []string (optional) list of user groups from OIDC claims
Email string (optional) user email from OIDC claims
Code string (optional) access code used by user to access the form

Context for notifications

Name Type Description
Form form definititon Parsed form definition
Result map[string]any Result from storage

Context for result

Name Type Description
Form form definititon Parsed form definition
Result map[string]any Optional result from storage
Error error Optional error

If .Error is defined, then .Result is nil.